I took a cultural life in Northern Cyprus. So I need to say something. When I came here, I see a lot of good place. Northern Cyprus cultural life and Turkish cultural life are same.
The TheaterThe interest of the Turkish people in drama dates back to their origin in Anatolia. Shadow plays such as Karagoz and Hacivat and satirical drams such as tuluat are the origin of this art. The modern drama in the European sense started early in 1900 by clubs, schools or associations and followed with enthusiasm by the local people. Plays and musical dramas written by local composers have gained the appreciation of the people. Theater groups frequently visiting North Cyprus from Turkey also contribute to the cultural activities in North Cyprus.
The first theater group, ‘’Ilk Sahne’’ was established as an independent theater in 1963 and this was later on changed its status and became the State Theater - Ilk Sahne (First Stage) in 1966. With the increasing number of the graduates from the Theater and Music Faculties and also the candidates who attended some special classes, the number of staff of the theater increased in time. The state theater has opened its stages in a new building after 1974 and it is carrying on its activities under the directory of Cyprus Turkish State Theater. More then a hundred plays have been put on the stage until today by this group with continuous plays within the country and abroad while it is also hosting the theater groups visiting North Cyprus from time to time. The Theater of Lefkosa Municipality, a group separated from the state theater, established in 1980 also put plays on the stage in its own theater hall in Leflosa. This was followed by other groups in other towns, each establishing their own theater groups. They also organize special classes for the training of young amateur artists and performed plays for the children as well.
Cyprus Turkish Folk Dances
Several civilizations has fostered in Cyprus throughout history. Cyprus Turkish folk dances does not bear a unique character. Many folk dances bearing several local characteristics of Turkey as well as local characteristics are known. The Turkish Cypriot folk dances is having its characteristics with rather colorful costumes which shows similarities with the costumes worn in Anatolia. Karsilama, sword and sickle, the harvest time, spoon dance and Cyprus bride is the most common folk dance in TRNC. The folk groups usually have performances during the national festival days, weddings, hotels or tourism areas. Also contests are held regularly every year.

The Libraries, Archives & Publications
The National Library in Lefkosa is one of the main libraries in Northern Cyprus which provides new sources for teachers, students and readers. A special library for the blind has recently been established within it as well. There are also seven branch libraries within our seven main towns. The Municipalities are also improving the library facilities within their boundaries. The recently established Universities within this decade provide specialized libraries that are open for all researchers and readers in North Cyprus by special permission. Particularly the library of Eastern Mediterranean University in Gazi Magosa is the largest library in North Cyprus the sources of which are in Turkish and English with 70,000 volume of books and 600 periodical titles, the catalogue of which can be reached through the internet. The National Archive located in Girne and the archive of the Cyprus Turkish Vakif Administration houses several documents which are valuable sources for the political and cultural history of Cyprus. The National Archive has a rich source of Cyprus Newspapers also.
The National Library in Lefkosa is one of the main libraries in Northern Cyprus which provides new sources for teachers, students and readers. A special library for the blind has recently been established within it as well. There are also seven branch libraries within our seven main towns. The Municipalities are also improving the library facilities within their boundaries. The recently established Universities within this decade provide specialized libraries that are open for all researchers and readers in North Cyprus by special permission. Particularly the library of Eastern Mediterranean University in Gazi Magosa is the largest library in North Cyprus the sources of which are in Turkish and English with 70,000 volume of books and 600 periodical titles, the catalogue of which can be reached through the internet. The National Archive located in Girne and the archive of the Cyprus Turkish Vakif Administration houses several documents which are valuable sources for the political and cultural history of Cyprus. The National Archive has a rich source of Cyprus Newspapers also.
The state institutions play a role in encouraging and supporting book publications. Most authors seek opportunities to have their works published abroad while recently, private enterprises also started to contribute to the publications.
Fine Arts
Fine arts in the modern sense began in the middle of this century. The modernization of the education system led to these changes and a rapid development took place until today. The artistic activities are based on the Turkish and universal culture evolved after the acceptance of the contemporary way of living.
Fine arts in the modern sense began in the middle of this century. The modernization of the education system led to these changes and a rapid development took place until today. The artistic activities are based on the Turkish and universal culture evolved after the acceptance of the contemporary way of living.
Although fine arts in the European sense began after the 1950‘s , there are a few artists worth mentioning here as the first artists of this modernist movement.
Mehmet Necati is one of the first painters to name for his courage to join to the first painting exhibition opened in Cyprus Museum under the supervision of Newenham. He has exhibited four paintings while three of them had the chance to be sold out which encouraged the artist to paint throughout his life.
Necati Ozkan painted in the impressionist style.
Necati Ozkan painted in the impressionist style.
Hasan Ozturk who practiced painting merely on his personal skill painted in the naive style.
Ismet Vehit Guney, who practiced painting in Ibrahim Calli workshop is still painting in the impressionist style and he was the first Turkish artist to open a personal exhibition.
Today, the art of TRNC has emerged rapidly in the international art arena, participating in various exhibitions. The artists execute several art works in the form of painting, sculpture, ceramic making and in other media. They enjoy their freedom to depict their work in every new style.
An annual state exhibition is arranged by the state every year and awarding the artists. Turk Bank and some associations also held prizes and awards from time to time.
The exhibition of the local artists as well as the visiting ones are organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture as well as by private galleries. The state is trying to encourage the artists for better works by the prizes and awards given every year and also purchasing some of the works produced. It can be said that the opening of the Ataturk Culture Center initiated these activities although Saray Hotel and the halls of the high schools hosted many early exhibitions upto this date. This center which is a multi purpose building including the National Library and a conference hall is almost booked throughout the whole year.
There are plans for the opening of a Modern Arts Museum within the boundaries of North Cyprus in a near future. Unfortunately it can be said that the number and conditions of the exhibition halls in North Cyprus are not enough at the moment. There are great efforts to improve all the facilities in a near future. The Universities are hosting some cultural activities very frequently. The spring festival organized by the University students is one of the main cultural activity of Gazi Magosa city.
There are plans for the opening of a Modern Arts Museum within the boundaries of North Cyprus in a near future. Unfortunately it can be said that the number and conditions of the exhibition halls in North Cyprus are not enough at the moment. There are great efforts to improve all the facilities in a near future. The Universities are hosting some cultural activities very frequently. The spring festival organized by the University students is one of the main cultural activity of Gazi Magosa city.
The Cooperative for Fine Arts is encouraging the traditional folk art to be carried on providing the market with the traditional fine art objects such as embroideries, lace work, Lefkara embroidery, a characteristic Cypriot art, basket making and rug weaving in Cyprus styles.

The Musical Activities in North Cyprus can be categorized under these headings:
The Musical Activities in North Cyprus can be categorized under these headings:
*Cyprus Turkish Folk Music
*Turkish Classical Art Music
*Universal multi sounded music: Classic Music
*Pop Music
*Turkish Classical Art Music
*Universal multi sounded music: Classic Music
*Pop Music
1 - Cyprus Turkish Folk Music: It is clear that Cyprus Turkish Folk Music is under the influence of Anatolian folk music although it developed its local characteristics as well. Most of the folk songs were known orally since the collecting and documenting this kind of information was delayed due to the unorganized life of the Turkish Cypriots until 1974 under the impact of their political struggle for survival.
Editing of Turkish folk music has begun in 1973 and they were recorded in musical notes. The research for the discovery of the unforgotten folk songs are still going on. The Turkish Folk Music group established by the government and others by private institutions are contributing to the activities of Turkish Folk Music actively today. Has-Der which is an Association of Folk Arts is rather active in collecting and editing Cypriot Folk music and dances as well as some other cultural and anthropological aspects of Cyprus.
2. Turkish Classical Music: These activities had been carried on by private enterprises and people, while since 1986 these have also been handled within the government establishments as well. An institution entitled State Turkish Classical Music Group is giving concerts every year and new musicians in this field are encouraged by the special classes organized by the same institution.
3. Multi-Vocal Universal Music: Classical Music: The first attempt to establish a classical music group has been achieved by a group of musicians by establishing an amateur Orchestra in the Turkish society while the State Symphony Orchestra and Chorus was established in 1975 which enabled the musicians to study and produce works on professional basis. The Symphony Orchestra and chorus is giving annual concerts as well as chamber concerts. The special classes offered and newly established Fine Arts School have enabled the education of new musicians. TRNC Symphony Orchestra also is hosting artists coming from Turkey and other countries as well.
4. Popular Music:
An active popular music activity exists in the life of the Turkish society since 1970. Several young people had established pop music groups that served the entertainment life of the Turkish people. New pieces were also composed and prepared as record players by these musicians since 1980. Some of the groups had chances to reproduce the new compositions as cassettes and compact discs. Several young people carry on the pop music activities in North Cyprus, some of which had chances to bid even in international competitions.
An active popular music activity exists in the life of the Turkish society since 1970. Several young people had established pop music groups that served the entertainment life of the Turkish people. New pieces were also composed and prepared as record players by these musicians since 1980. Some of the groups had chances to reproduce the new compositions as cassettes and compact discs. Several young people carry on the pop music activities in North Cyprus, some of which had chances to bid even in international competitions.
The cultural activities currently taking place in T.R.N.C. can be summarised under the following headings:
Theatre / Libraries and publications / Fine arts / Folk art / Music /
TV, radio and cinemas
TV, radio and cinemas
Also, research activities for the cultural history of the island and celebration of the bairams and festivals are the efforts to preserve and protect the past culture alive in the society.
The cultural activities and art in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus have an important part in the life of the people. These activities run in two different channels. The government takes an active part in providing the citizens with every aspect of the cultural and artistic activities while the private enterprises and associations also contribute to these in great quantities.
The Constitution of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is rather liberal and protects the rights of the artists and arts with the item 62 entitled as the Protection of the Legal Rights of the Artists and the Culture by saying that:
1- The state creates the necessary liberal medium for the development of the arts, and takes precautions for the protection, encouragement, supporting and awarding the creativity of the artists.
2- The state enables the citizens to take part and to have equal opportunities to have the benefit of the cultural life, new scientific developments and their resulting contributions, and to have their rights protected for obtaining the benefits out of the available opportunities.
It is obvious from this article that the State is both supporting, protecting and encouraging the art and artists as well as taking important part to widespread the produce of the artists and authors to a widespread number of people.

Bayrams (religious holidays) & Festivals
The Cypriot Turkish people adhere to the principles of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk‘s ideas on secularism. The society life and education system is based on these principles. The faiths and beliefs of the Turkish Cypriots relating to religious bayrams have an important place in their life. Some of the old traditions for the celebrating of the bayrams are still kept with enthusiasm.
The feasting month Ramazan and the bayram following this, as well as the Kurban Bairam which is the time of sacrificing animals to donate to the poor people, is celebrated every year. This is the time of paying respect to the elders by visiting them and buying presents or giving money to the children. Visitors are being offered with Turkish type of sweets during their short visits. A fair place is also opened for the entertainment of the people especially the children.
The Cypriot Turkish people adhere to the principles of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk‘s ideas on secularism. The society life and education system is based on these principles. The faiths and beliefs of the Turkish Cypriots relating to religious bayrams have an important place in their life. Some of the old traditions for the celebrating of the bayrams are still kept with enthusiasm.
The feasting month Ramazan and the bayram following this, as well as the Kurban Bairam which is the time of sacrificing animals to donate to the poor people, is celebrated every year. This is the time of paying respect to the elders by visiting them and buying presents or giving money to the children. Visitors are being offered with Turkish type of sweets during their short visits. A fair place is also opened for the entertainment of the people especially the children.
Official Public Holidays
New Year’s Day 1st January
National Sovereignty and Children’s Day 23rd April
Labour Day 1st May
Youth and Sports Day 19th May
Peace and Freedom Day 20th July
Communal Resistance Day 1st August
Victory Day 30th August
Turkish National Day 29th October
Proclamation of the TRNC 15th November
The Feast of Ramadan Variable
The Feast of Sacrifice Variable
Mevlit Variable
New Year’s Day 1st January
National Sovereignty and Children’s Day 23rd April
Labour Day 1st May
Youth and Sports Day 19th May
Peace and Freedom Day 20th July
Communal Resistance Day 1st August
Victory Day 30th August
Turkish National Day 29th October
Proclamation of the TRNC 15th November
The Feast of Ramadan Variable
The Feast of Sacrifice Variable
Mevlit Variable
Local festivals are arranged by the municipality of each city or village is bringing much cultural activities in Cyprus. The most important festival is the national celebration for peace operation in 20th July every year. Every kind of cultural activity is offered within the one week program.
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